Shyam Mehta
The next books provide information on the cultural environment that we live in (The History of the World), on philosophy (Western Philosophy and Indian Philosophy and Religion) and also provide you with the data that you need to develop contentment in your sexual, physical, emotional, love, mental and spiritual/divine energy aspects of life:
A Man's Guide to Developing Love and Happiness
Perfecting Your Emotional Energy Sphere
Perfecting Your Love Energy Sphere
Perfecting Your Mental Energy Sphere
Perfecting Your Physical Energy Sphere
Perfecting Your Sexual Energy Sphere
Spiritual and Religious Journey
Your Self and Mind
Many of these books are currently available from this site and the remaining ones will be available soon. Keep checking back often!
Shyam has been practising yoga since 1957 and been teaching yoga since 1973.
He had a Christian upbringing, in England. At Cambridge University he became interested in yoga philosophy and Hinduism. Later he gave up his Hindu sacred thread in order to fully devote his life to helping all nice people become happy. He has had a variety of religious experiences in his life and worships God almost every moment of his waking hours.